Eric Schmid - Philosopher of Mathematics, Mathematician


Collected Writings Cover

Collected Writings: 2011-2024

by Eric Schmid

Book published by Editions Cox

Editions cox is excited to announce a publication of the collected writings of artist, musician, philosopher, and mathematician Eric Schmid! The writings run the gamut of Schmid’s many fields of interest and expertise. They range in form from an artist’s press release to philosophical essays to notes on mathematics, from collaborative works of cultural criticism to foundational works on the philosophies of math and language. Although the different works are dedicated to particular subject matters, there is inevitable movement back and forth, forging unique and diverse connections between the various fields. Schmid’s collected writings will be available to order within the next couple of weeks!

The writings in this book were published between the years 2011 and 2024. "Some Brief Notes on Reza Negarestani’s Intelligence & Spirit" was published in Triple Ampersand Journal in 2023. "HoTT: pseudoproblems, extensional propositions and intensional constructions" was published by Graham Vunderink Gallery in 2023. "Dimes is of the Essence: Gardeners of the creative" was published by Triple Ampersand Journal in 2022 and was collectively written by Eric Schmid, Connor Tomaka and Laszlo Horvath. "Minor Rationalism" was published in 2021 by Triple Ampersand Journal. "On Messianism: Theodor Adorno vs. Walter Benjamin" was published in 2011 by XYM under a different title in the publication "Home vs. Away". "Ontological Warfare: Subject as Universal Singularity vs. Object as Statist Particularity" was published by Distanz in Yngve Holen's artist monograph Trypophobia in 2016. "On Zoe Barcza" was published as the press release for her show at Bianca D'Alessandro in 2021. Notes on Lecture Notes was published in 2024 as a short book by Edition Eric Schmid. Prospectus to a Homotopic Metatheory of Language was published in 2023 by Edition Eric Schmid. Epistemological Engineering was written by Eric Schmid, Connor Tomaka and Guido Gamboa in 2023 and published by Edition Eric Schmid.

Published by Editions Cox, 2024.

Notes Cover

Notes on Lecture Notes: Logic, Category Theory, Topos Theory, Martin-Löf Type Theory, Homotopy Theory

by Eric Schmid

Book published by Edition Eric Schmid

Buy on Amazon here


Book published by Bauer Verlag:

Prolegomenon to a Treatise

by Eric Schmid

Reihe No. 3


Co-edited by Ben Green, with fore- and afterwords by Alexander Boland, Will Fraser, Rocco Gangle, Laszlo Horvath, Hunter Hunt-Hendrix, Tim Pierson, Michael Stumpf, Connor Tomaka, Inigo Wilkins, Fernando Zalamea and a postscript by Mattin.

Available for sale at Seminary Co-op:

Excerpt available on Triple Ampersand:

Prolegomenon to a Treatise Cover Prolegomenon to a Treatise Title Page

Courses taken: Point-set Topology, Algebraic Topology, Group Theory, Complex Analysis, Real Analysis, Advanced Linear Algebra, Discrete Math, Non-Euclidean Geometry, Statistics, Multivariate Calculus, Linear Algebra

Courses (in progress): Applied Category Theory, Homotopy Theory, Mathematical Logic, Homotopy Type Theory, Differential Equations

Technical Skills:

Proficient: Python, UNIX

Knowledge of: Java, SQL, JavaScript, CSS, HTML

Beginner: Haskell, Agda

Peer Reviewed:

Tigue, C.C., Fitzner, K.A., Alkhatib, M. et al. The value of innovation: the economics of targeted drugs for cancer. Targ Oncol 2, 113–119 (2007).

click here


2023 Book Cover
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2023 Some Notes

Some Brief Notes on Reza Negarestani’s Intelligence & Spirit

By Eric Schmid

Published by Triple Ampersand Journal – October 8, 2023

HoTT: pseudoproblems, extensional propositions and intensional constructions

By Eric Schmid

Published by Graham Vunderink Gallery – February 1, 2023

Download essay here

Edition Eric Schmid

Book: Colin McLarty & Andrei Rodin: A Discussion

Published by Edition Eric Schmid

Available on Amazon

Colin McLarty & Andrei Rodin: A Discussion Back Cover of Colin McLarty & Andrei Rodin: A Discussion

Slices of Life by Mattin & Asha Sheshadri

Published by Edition Eric Schmid and Mille Plateaux

Slices of Life

During the 22nd of February 2022, two years after the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, we took audio snippets from our everyday lives documenting our homes and surrounding urban environments, our intellectual interests and our musical tastes. We also gathered pictures with our phones. Some of the audio sources were processed, some were not. Here you get slices of our lives from two different cities, New York and Berlin – a glimpse of the fragmentation of our times through a broken sonic diary entry.


Released November 14, 2023

Mastered by Mattin

Thanks to Eric Schmid and Montez Press Radio


Best of the year 2023:

The Wire Magazine January / February 2024 (Issue 479 + 480)

Selected by Raymond Cummings as one of the ten best records on Noise, Industrial & Beyond of 2023

1 Merzbow - Hatomatsuri (Dinzu Artefacts)
2 Blood Of Chhinnamastika - Hymn To Bagalamukhi (Abhorrent AD)
3 Janna Lee - The One That Got Away (Black Ring Rituals)
4 Commuter - No Longer Penitent (New Forces)
5 Andrew Coltrane - Self-Amputation (Oxidation)
6 BEAM SPLITTER - Split Jaw (Tripticks Tapes)
7 Loren Chasse & Juho Toivonen - Aclod (Hive Mind)
8 Sobbing. - Sobbing. (No label)
9 Wolf Eyes & Model Home - More Difficult Messages (Disciples)
10 Asha Sheshadri & Mattin - Slices Of Life (Mille Plateaux)



Commissioned translation of Jean Cavaillès - Axiomatic Method and Formalism

Translated by Taylor Adkins

Published by Recital Program

Including a CD by Eric Schmid, Sean McCann, and Keanu Clark


Conference 2024 Flyer

Logic, Methodology of Science & its Applications

at Emily Harvey Foundation

New York, New York

Sat August 17, 2024

Bimodal hybrid conference

Co-organized by Connor Tomaka & Eric Schmid


Rocco Gangle, PhD (Endicott)

- categorical systems theory

Andrei Rodin, PhD (University of Lorraine)

- philosophy of HoTT

Matt Teichman, PhD (UChicago)

- modularity as philosophical virtue

Corey Thuro (Independent researcher)

- on Volpin

David Corfield, PhD (Independent researcher)

- on psychoanalysis

Alyssa Van Denburg, PhD (Northwestern)

- ethics of telepsychology

Niklas Bjarne Thompson, PhD (Argonne)

- on measurability

JJ Kahn (NYU Tandon)

- Kleist & functional lenses

Kristopher Brown, PhD (Topos Institute)

- applied category theory & inferentialism

Sponsored by Eric Schmid, Connor Tomaka & Josh Metnick

Philosophy of Science Conference


Reza Negarestani, Giuseppe Longo, Rocco Gangle, Ian James, and Colin McLarty

Co-organized by Eric Schmid, Ben Green, and Connor Tomaka

This conference was held at the Emily Harvey Foundation, NYC
December 3, 2022

Full video on YouTube


HoTT Flyer Axiomatic Method Flyer Group Show Flyer Graham Vunderink Flyer Rue Flyer

Useful Links:

Category Theory by Awodey:

Homotopy Type Theory by Harper:

Mathematical Logic by Chernikov:

Introduction to Homotopy Theory:

Saunders Mac Lane on Carnap's Logical Syntax of Language

Per Martin-Löf - Analytic and Synthetic Judgements in Type Theory